Red and navy abstract building logo design


Keep it Clean. Keep it Simple.

Modern lobby with tiled floor, seating, tables, a lamp, wall-mounted art, and large windows.

Over 25 years of service.

Morris Janitorial provides contract cleaning services in the Austin, Texas area. We are locally owned and have extensive industry experience including:

  • Medical Office Buildings

  • High tech / Clean Facilities

  • Office & Industrial Buildings

  • Educational Facilities

We are a full-service, 365 day per year provider for all your facility janitorial needs. While we specialize in facility cleaning, we aim to be your one-stop provider and key partner who can deliver a full suite of services for your building.  We aim to create win-win partnerships and  look forward to earning the chance to serve you! 

Our mission.

Our mission is simple: clean buildings, happy customers, commercial and economic sustainability. 

We aim to be a force multiplier for our customers. Our goal is to be more than just another vendor contract service – we want to be a value added partner within your organization.

Why Morris Janitorial

We have a proven track record with our customers who are willing to share their experiences with you.
All personnel cleaning in your building are employees of Morris Janitorial and not subcontractors.
Our structure and low overhead allows company employees to be better paid and more motivated.
We are locally owned and have been serving Austin businesses since 1997.
We are fully insured, including comprehensive liability and workers compensation coverage.
We have an exceptional tenant relations record and will bring that to your building.

Our employees are the real asset of our company.

Be valued. Join our team.